Query :
A concept posed as a question [ a word, phrase or group of words ] that
embodies a vocabulary structure and mapping paradigm that is compatible with data and information files
stored within a database and
retrievable by a search engine
to answer the query action.
A good answer only comes from
...a good question
...at a good place
AGING -::- a simple subject made complex and
untractable or undoable by people
Bio-System-Aging, Non-Bio-System-Aging, Restructing :
~Aptopytosis=APO ~Necrosis=NFactors ~Wasting=WFactors ~Senescence=LAG
Initia, (*), Termina (!), Punc-noda (.) Stria-schema (~)
Ordi { Sequi, (.....), Strati, (////),
Relati, (*/+), Tens, Sens }
>Tens { Moti, Muti, Juncture}
>>Spacia { Morphi, Topos, }
>>Numera, Logica
>>Moti-Physica ...{Moti, Situ, Stasi }...Materia
A search of online or offline resources requires knowledge
that is available via a search. A search embodies a concept-idea conveyed by the search query
as part of a contextual, systematic strategem. The defect of any query is that the concept-idea used within the search
query may not have been similarly structured; it will thus not be found; it is like a query in one syntax into a context,
syntax that has not made such a query in such a form.
- DeFine: Start with a Concept: consider the words and
meanings, consider their relations. Consider their grouping into a Query Sentence, a statement of purpose. Explore
how the words, word-clusters, and their meanings are used within a knowledge domain; consider that a new definitions
is required, consider that prevailing useage in misleading or not specific. A Glossary or Encylopedic resource assists
in the network of word interrelations. Consider that your concept view differs from other, existing concept views; consider
how to relate or interface these differences so that an inter-communication can exist.
- DeLimit: Consider both the clustering and grouping
of idea themes: as series-chaining relations and as hierarchial, stratified relations.
- Associate: Associate and Organize theme relations:
imbedded, series, and strata-hierarchy.
- Analysis: Consider each feature of the search
again, the nomenclature, the syntax, and context of its use. Consider if the search is advancing toward an answer or is becoming
an exercise in toolcraft. Consider that a completely new paradigm of analysis may be required: biotissues to bio-energetics
to probable energy conduits.